About Us
Our Vision
Our Vision is to build contemporary low energy homes to a weather tight shell stage for customers to complete as self build projects with their own sweat equity. This makes the dream of such a home more affordable, while developing the essential skills in our team to build a new green economy.
This is based on three main principles:
- Green, high quality buildings
- Affordable options
- Championing people

Who Are We?
Peter Waldron
Co-Founder, Structural Engineer
Peter is a chartered professional engineer and is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineering and a Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers. He moved to Sheffield 26 years ago to take up the position of Professor of Civil and Structural Engineering and subsequently Dean of Engineering at The University of Sheffield and within 3 years he was appointed to the University’s senior management team as Pro Vice Chancellor where he undertook various responsibilities for developing the University’s academic base and for developing and delivering its research and teaching strategies.
After successfully completing these challenging roles he left the University taking with him exclusive rights to exploit the patents awarded to the University on the basis of his research principally in the area of recycled steel fibres from end-of-life tyres as reinforcement in concrete. This he exploited through a start-up company based in Sheffield which has attracted research grants exceeding £4m from the EU and UK government and has subsequently secured substantial sales around the world and continues to thrive. With a life long interest in the building process he has self-built or renovated/converted four homes for himself and his family, the last two here in Sheffield. His passion for innovation has continued with several further patents being awarded in several green building technologies including rainwater harvesting, insulated concrete formwork and advanced composite reinforcement.
Peter’s last self build in Sheffield was designed by James Norton RIBA and he wanted to bring this fulfilling and flexible experience of self-build to others, whilst reducing some of the more complex elements of project management that might form a barrier to success alongside increasing the ecological credentials of a basic home.

James Norton
Co-Founder, Architect
Director James is a qualified Architect, who specialises in low environmental impact design and construction.
Born in Sheffield, James studied Architecture at the University of Sheffield, completing his undergraduate and post graduate study in 2004. Soon after qualification with the ARB and RIBA as an architect, James started design work on his own self build project to provide a home for his family. He worked on the project along with his partner, which comprised a second property for his co-self builder and neighbour and an annex apartment during the following years, working as project architect, project manger and builder.
In practice, as well as a breadth of commercial building experience, James has established an excellent reputation for delivering high quality, highly sustainable homes, often working closely with Local Planning Authorities collaboratively to deliver sensitive solutions in difficult planning contexts. In recognition of that he was awarded the 2018 Biennial Sheffield Design Award for his Dam View project in North Sheffield.
Like Peter, he not only shares a passion for the wider benefits of low environmental impact design but also for the act of building itself and a commitment to widening participation in self build as well as extending access to healthy low cost sustainable homes.

Sarah Foxwell
Design + Business Manager, Architect
Sarah joined Sustainable Shell Homes in 2022, after having worked with James for over 12 years and meeting Peter in 2016 during a successful project collaboration. Sarah is a qualified Architect, who specialises in making spaces really work for their occupant’s needs.
Studying Architecture at the University of Sheffield, Sarah completed her undergraduate and post graduate study in 2009, and qualified as an Architect with the ARB and RIBA in 2013.
With dual roles of Design + Business Manager as well as Architect, Sarah works closely with our Customers to help them design and perfect layouts for their needs, as well as managing the day to day requirements of SSH; both on site and off.